Supporting young people in Spelthorne

Kwasi is passionate about supporting young people in Spelthorne to help them get the best start in life. A good education and a wide range of skills is vital for future success.

Kwasi regularly visits local schools and colleges to talk to students about his work, and always enjoys participating in the annual Spelthorne Parliamentary event at the Council Chambers, where young people learn more about how Parliament works and get the chance to practice their debating skills.

Kwasi is also pleased to regularly attend the Spelthorne Skills & Careers Fair, which enables young people to meet with local businesses and skills providers to discuss future careers, and the skills that are required in the workplace.

The Duke of Edinburgh Awards scheme is a great way for young people to build confidence and expand their horizons, and Kwasi is honoured to be asked to regularly present the Awards to young people who have achieved their Bronze, Silver or Gold Award.


Visit to Meadhurst Primary School

On 10th November, Kwasi visited Meadhurst Primary School in Ashford.   

Kwasi met with the leadership team of the school to discuss issues affecting the school and find ways forward.